We have created a simple search tool that lets you quickly check the most popular consumer complaint websites, community gossip websites, and public record databases for any mentions of your name or brand. Most of the time, if your name or brand is mentioned by someone on any of these websites, the page will show up near the top of the search results for your name or brand. Sometimes this is not the case though. Sometimes the page might take awhile to show up near the top of the search results. You could have a potential reputation management problem and you wouldn’t necessarily know about it by just searching for your name or brand in Google or Bing, especially if the “problem page” is buried far back in the index somewhere.
When you search for your name or brand using this search tool, it is recommended that you try searching a few different ways to get the most comprehensive results. Search for your name or brand using quotation marks: “john doe” or “john doe’s pizza palace” etc. Do the same search without quotation marks as well. Next you might want to try including your city or general location in the search. Try these types of searches with and without quotation marks. For example: “john doe springfield” or john doe springfield, “john doe’s pizza palace cleveland” or john doe’s pizza palace cleveland.
The search tool displayed below will help you monitor and manage your online reputation on the following 31 websites:
- http://www.badboyreport.com
- http://www.bbb.org
- http://www.bustedmugshots.com
- http://www.cheater.co
- http://www.cheaterville.com
- http://www.complaints.com
- http://www.complaintsboard.com
- http://www.consumeraffairs.com
- http://www.consumerist.com
- http://www.datingpsychos.com
- http://www.epinions.com
- http://www.glassdoor.com
- http://www.infidelity.org
- http://www.iripoff.com
- http://www.jailbase.com
- http://www.liarscheatersrus.com
- http://www.mugshots.com
- http://www.mugshotsusa.com
- http://www.nationalblacklist.com
- http://www.pissedconsumer.com
- http://www.planetfeedback.com
- http://www.playerblock.com
- http://www.reportyourex.com
- http://www.reviewopedia.com
- http://www.ripoffreport.com
- http://www.scam.com
- http://www.scambook.com
- http://www.shamscam.com
- http://www.thedirty.com
- http://www.topix.com
- http://www.unhappyfranchisee.com